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CustomTablePropritiesSave feature allows you to specificy what proprities of an instence saved in a folder (in HiddenPlayerData) is saved. As a mandatory and cannot be set or removed from this setting are the following proprities:
Class Name (Instance Type)
Children (Instances parented to instances in the folder)
String, Number or Boolean values (If applies to the instance)
Add an instance inside the CustomTablePropritiesSave setting
Name that instance the name of the property you want to be saved when saving children of a folder
Now the game will save children of a folder thats inside of HiddenPlayerData. If the instance does not contain that property then it will not attempt to save it and move onto the next.
You cannot save the contents of a script
The name must be exactly the same as how the propriety is spelled
Errors may not return to the output if something is named incorrectly. If a property is not saving then you may have named it incorrectly